[ 笠井 遥 / Haruka Kasai ]

 P10 2020年

「ころころ」 M3 2019年

「はなつ」 F50 2020年

[ 略歴 ]

1987年 富山県生まれ。
2013年 京都造形芸術大学 卒業・修了制作展 瓜生山賞受賞、シェル美術賞 入選
2014年 第6回トリエンナーレ豊橋 星野眞吾賞展 入選
    美術新人賞 デビュー2014 入選
2015年 京都造形芸術大学大学院 ペインティング領域 修了
2015年 ギャラリーへ行こう2015 入選
    現代芸術振興財団アートアワード 第2回CAF賞 入選
2016年 琳派400年記念 新鋭選抜展 ー琳派FOREVERー 参加
2017年 京都府新鋭選抜展 日本経済新聞京都支社賞 受賞
2018年 松陰芸術賞 受賞
2020年 第一回 三越伊勢丹・千住博日本画大賞展入選



1987 Born in Toyama
2013 Graduated from Kyoto? University of the Arts
    Uryuyama Prize Winner at the Graduation Works Exhibition,
    Also selected for Shell Art Award
2014 Selected for the Hoshino Shingo Prize, the 6th Triennial Competition in Toyohashi
    Also selected for the Art Newcomer Award Debut 2014
2015 Completed graduate studies in Painting, Kyoto? University of the Arts
2015 Selected at the Exhibition “Let's Go to the Gallery 2015”
    Selected at the 2nd CAF, Contemporary Art Foundation Award
2016 Participated in the “Rimpa Forever,” Emerging Artists Selection Exhibition
    of the Rimpa 400th Anniversary
    Won Special Prize, Plane and Three-Dimensional Division, Art Fair Toyama
2017 Awarded the Nikkei Inc. Kyoto Branch Prize at the “Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2017”
2018 Awarded Shoin Art Award

I have been interested in painting technique material science since I was a student and have been studying it ever since.
While majoring in Japanese painting, I was also inspired by copperplate engraving, which I was interested in, and found the possibility of the expressive technique of "carving.”
I discovered the potential of this expressive technique.
The act of "carving" is connected to the ancient practice of humans using stones to carve pictures and letters to create murals.
While using ink and pigments used in Japanese painting, I am particular about my own expression techniques, matiere, and materials, and I carve fine lines again and again.
Just like a Buddhist sculptor, I carve "shapes" out in the paintings, as to connect them with the "life" of the paintings.


Copyright © 2012- Nii Fine Arts, 2-3-9 B1 Koraibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0043, JAPAN